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Topic review


p1c0 wrote:

I have found my problem : my file is in DOS format, so there are \r\n at end of lines.

I have to find how to translate my file in unix format, i've seen dos2unix on the net... i will try this!!!

Use 'option transfer ascii' to enable on-transfer conversion.

I have found my problem : my file is in DOS format, so there are \r\n at end of lines.

I have to find how to translate my file in unix format, i've seen dos2unix on the net... i will try this!!!

Sorry, i try to put an other script in order to configure iptables so it's a file i want to transfer...

I'm confused by your message. What do you refer to by "script"? or some file you are transferring?

Finally, i have a problem...

When i put a script on a linux box with WinSCP interface, it works perfrctly and i can execute the script locally on the linu box. But when i put the same script with

winscp /console / where is :

option batch on

option confirm off
open root@
option transfer binary
cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
! rm -f iptables
put path_to_file/iptables

i can't execute the script locally. I have some interprter problems...
I try a "diff file1 file2" and all lines of my script seems to be different but there is no visible changes...

Could you help me please?


i have just find the lcd command, it will work with this command!!


Problem with put

Hi all,

i have difficulties with put...

I try winscp /console / where is :

option batch on

option confirm off
open root@
option transfer binary
cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
! rm -f iptables
put path_to_file/iptables

but it doesn't work, winscp said it can't find my file path_to_file/iptables.

How can i resolve my problem?

Thanks in advance.