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Re: Filemask - Excluding File Size in Bytes

Bizarre.Moogle wrote:

The problem I am facing is I can't use the -filemask <=1K as that removes files that I need still and the formating doesn't support B for bytes nor can I put a 0.04K.

Just specify a number of bytes without a unit: -filemask=<=39

Filemask - Excluding File Size in Bytes


I'm trying to use WinSCP to auto collect files on a daily basis, however the files can still be created on a 4 hourly basis and not contain any information due to the way we are doing the snapshots, however the file size that contains no results just has a header and footer in rather than the information we need. These files are 39B in size, anything larger than this has the additional information in.

The problem I am facing is I can't use the -filemask <=1K as that removes files that I need still and the formating doesn't support B for bytes nor can I put a 0.04K.

Any idea on how this can be done?

Thanks, Richard...