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Topic review


Re: error: 112 "not enough space on disc"

Your SFTP server and/or filesystem may not support files over 4GB.

Re: error: 112 "not enough space on disc"

martin wrote:

Adi wrote:

even though there are free 9G on the CD.

How do you copy files to CD using WinSCP?


Sorry for being so general...

I am using the SFTP protocol (version 3).
The error was generated after 4.01G were already transferred.
By "CD", I meant "hard disk drive (C:)".
Thanks again,

Re: error: 112 "not enough space on disc"

Adi wrote:

even though there are free 9G on the CD.

How do you copy files to CD using WinSCP?

Re: error: 112 "not enough space on disc"

When is the error generated? What protocol do you use? Please, read how to report bugs.

error: 112 "not enough space on disc"

I try to transfer a single file of size 4.4G and it genereates this error messege even though there are free 9G on the CD.

Any suggestions?