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Re: Setting for saving session names to disk ("forward slash" ("/"))

The version you sent me works great!
Thank you Martin :)

martin wrote:

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Re: Setting for saving session names to disk ("forward slash" ("/"))

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Re: Setting for saving session names to disk ("forward slash" ("/"))

Hey martin,

I am using VS Code atm. Maybe it is not an editor issue but plugin issue.
Please see:

Will you consider adding this setting for the sake of "nicer" paths on disk? :)

martin wrote:

What "some editors"?

Re: Setting for saving session names to disk ("forward slash" ("/"))

What "some editors"?

Setting for saving session names to disk ("forward slash" ("/"))

When using "Append session name to temporary path" some editors have problems with char "forward slash" ("/") which is used as delimiter for folder and session.

Preferences > Storage
[x] Use temporary directory of system : D:\code\winscp\

[x] Append session name to temporary path
[x] Append remote path to temporary path
[x] Keep temporary copies of remote files in deterministic paths
[ ] Cleanup obsolete temporary directories on startup

If I have sessions

  |- user1
  |- user2

If I open a file for editing in a custom editor with setting as above mentioned I get

Some editors have problems with "%2F" and are trying to open wrong path:

It would be useful to me to have a setting which defines this delimiter "forward slash" ("/").

For example, logging uses delimiter "-" for session names D:\code\winscp_log\MyServer-user1.log