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diasn wrote:

2) Can you just answer the simple question - where is documentation for versions prior to this MAJOR revision? I need to update a script to do something slightly different, I'm in a hurry and I don't understand your being obstinate on answering a simple question.

WinSCP has in-app documentation to scripting. Use help command.
Of you can scan through old revisions of on-line documentation.
Though again, there is no difference between 5.7.x and the 5.11.x regarding host keys, or basically about any scripting functionality (apart from a new functionality).
Incompatible changes are documented here:
(and note that there are hardly any)

WinSCP's major drawback has always been subpar documentation that is difficult to find what you need.

Well, one of the thinks, people praise WinSCP for the most often, is the excellent documentation. :)

1) no. No time at present to move to/learn new syntax and no it's not a security risk in this closed environment. Take the word of a CISSP on this.

2) Can you just answer the simple question - where is documentation for versions prior to this MAJOR revision? I need to update a script to do something slightly different, I'm in a hurry and I don't understand your being obstinate on answering a simple question.

WinSCP's major drawback has always been subpar documentation that is difficult to find what you need.

Re: Where can I find documentation for older versions?

1) Always use the latest version! It's a security software, you cannot afford using an old version.
2) I do not think, there's any difference between 5.7.x and the 5.11.x regarding host keys.

So what is your problem exactly?

Where can I find documentation for older versions?

I can't find any documentation for syntax in older versions (specifically 5.7.6) - I need to force acceptance of a host key and can't find the syntax (this new version is radically different).