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Topic review


I came on here to report this issue, have downloaded the latest version and no longer getting it so can confirm it's fixed my end too.

I can confirm it's fixed

Re: WinSCP takes a very long time to exit a directory with lots of files

Thanks for your report.

This issue has been added to the tracker:

It's probably related to my other bug report, I suspect that going to parent directory forces WinSCP to refresh current directory (which is a really stupid thing to do...)

WinSCP takes a very long time to exit a directory with lots of files

I understand that it takes a long time to enter a directory with lots of files, but what I can't understand is why it takes about the same amount of time to exit that directory to a parent directory. I only see this on SSH, I didn't test this on ftp. Can you do something about this? By "lots of files" I mean "100000+"