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Re: Exit status 11 from server

Sorry, I've almost forgot. This is known problem. OpenSSH SFTP server cannot handle packets larger then 256kB. The next version of WinSCP will be able to workaround the issue. It will be released within week.
Paul Bramscher

Re: Exit status 11 from server

martin wrote:

When do you get the errors?

In my case, I wanted to transfer a directory about 200 megs in size from a Windows XP to an Ubuntu 5.04 (and also to an RH FC4 server), involving about a dozen subdirectories and perhaps 200 files. It seems to error sporadically, usually after 10-20 megs have gone through the pipe.

I switched over the SCP and was able to SCP over a directory of 1.2 gigs without any problem, so it seems to be a problem with the SFTP implementation. SCP seems pretty stable, and I'll use it from now on.

I'm doing this behind my router on a home LAN. Is it possible I need to lower the speed downward from 100% or that some line noise gets into a packet and the corrupted size exceeds its allowable limit, causing the seg. fault server side? I've relied on WinSCP for years and not seen this problem before.

Re: Exit status 11 from server

When do you get the errors?
Paul Bramscher

Exit status 11 from server

I made a switch from SuSE and Red Hat to Ubuntu recently and have started getting unexpected "exit status 11" errors from my server. It's running: OpenSSH_3.9p1 Debian-1ubuntu2, OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004

Found the errors both with WinSCP 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 beta. Is there some setting out-of-box on my sshd that needs to be changed? Or something I might change in WinSCP to get better reliability?

The errors come up sufficiently often that I may have to switch back to Red Hat. Anyone have any suggestions?