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Re: Is it possible to open/execute file in local directory from remote directory?

No you cannot.
And this is actually not a WinSCP question at all.
Consider asking it on

Is it possible to open/execute file in local directory from remote directory?

Hello, I am using WinSCP Version 5.11.3 (Build 7995) on a computer running Windows 7 64bit. The local directory is on my windows computer, the remote directory is a linux box.
My question is, is there any way to open/execute a file on a local directory from the remote directory? Specifically what I am trying to do is have a cron job on the linux side that executes a .bat file on the windows side.
I can't use task scheduler for this on the windows side for other reasons, and I can't have the .bat file execute on the linux side as (in addition to it being a windows batch file that of course wouldn't work on linux) it includes excel and vba related things that wouldn't work on the linux side.
Please let me know if any additional information is required, thanks for your help.