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Topic review


DaveBarrett wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I took this "When SessionOptions.Timeout is longer, its value is used instead." to mean that option wouldn't be used and it would use the 120 secs instead.

Can you confirm this is true as it doesn't appear to be behaving this way?

It does behave that way, but only after connection is established. So it has actually no effect on Session.Open.

What is the syntax of the Session.Timeout value if I need to change it from the default 1 minute (it says it is not recommended to change this)

It's TimeSpan.
In PowerShell, you can use New-TimeSpan:

Anonymous wrote:

I took this "When SessionOptions.Timeout is longer, its value is used instead." to mean that option wouldn't be used and it would use the 120 secs instead.

Can you confirm this is true as it doesn't appear to be behaving this way? What is the syntax of the Session.Timeout value if I need to change it from the default 1 minute (it says it is not recommended to change this)

I took this "When SessionOptions.Timeout is longer, its value is used instead." to mean that option wouldn't be used and it would use the 120 secs instead.

Winscp Timeout being ignored

We are having intermittent issues with WINSCP timing out. Have set timeout to 120, but times out at 60. "Waiting for request event" is repeated. Can you please help with the timeout setting and also why the timeout occurs? Also, response log file isn't created although user has full control over directory.

Win 2008 R2
PoSH Script
Session Log attached