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Topic review

don williams

Re: Can't make the program work from startup.

martin wrote:

don williams wrote:

I have a website that I want to move.
If I enter the name and try to login, I get the message 405 method not permitted. How on earth do I get this thing started? I have to move my website because the provider is closing the service down.

Ask your provider for instructions to login to the webserver where you site is stored.

I went back to WS_FTP Pro and everything works as it should.

Re: Can't make the program work from startup.

don williams wrote:

I have a website that I want to move.
If I enter the name and try to login, I get the message 405 method not permitted. How on earth do I get this thing started? I have to move my website because the provider is closing the service down.

Ask your provider for instructions to login to the webserver where you site is stored.
don williams

Re: Can't make the program work from startup.

martin wrote:

No it's not necessary to donate.
But you have to login to a server to use WinSCP.

I have a website that I want to move.
If I enter the name and try to login, I get the message 405 method not permitted. How on earth do I get this thing started? I have to move my website because the provider is closing the service down.

Re: Can't make the program work from startup.

No it's not necessary to donate.
But you have to login to a server to use WinSCP.
don williams

Can't make the program work from startup.

Is it necessary to make a donation to get this program to work so that I can try it out? When opened the small window is locked to the main window and menu items are not available. Both close and nothing can be done.