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Re: Invalid Access To Memory

JamesT wrote:

Just to add, I am on a fast ADSL link and I get the invalid access to memory after the connection is reset, looks like a timeout issue with the client to the host.

Please send me an email, so I can send you a debug version.

Invalid Access To Memory


Just to add, I am on a fast ADSL link and I get the invalid access to memory after the connection is reset, looks like a timeout issue with the client to the host.

Network error: Connection reset by peer

let me know if you need any more info

Re: 3.7.5 beta disconnect problem

Thanks for the details. However I'm still not able to preproduce this. There must be something special. Does it happen if your download any file? Or does it happen only if you download directories? Does it happen for "copy download" too, or for "move" only? Do you have preference option "confirmations> exiting application on operation completion" turned on or off? If 'on', does the the confirmation pop up before the error?

Isn't the prob that it wants to step into a dir that was already moved?

I do not understand. Why it should enter the directory?

Re: 3.7.5 beta disconnect problem

martin wrote:

What interface do you use? Also how do you download the file? Keyboard, menu, drag&drop? Do you download the file into path on opposite panel or to different path? If you are using drag&drop where do you drop files? What mode of drag&drop do you use? ... :-)

I use keyboard. Usually I move files so in the left panel I step into the dir I want to copy to and in the right panel I select the directory I want to move. Then I press F6 and press Enter. Than I check the "Disconnect..." option. Isn't the prob that it wants to step into a dir that was already moved?

I don't know where the config is located but I just use config I saved with previous versions where it worked.

Re: 3.7.5 beta disconnect problem

Unfortunatelly I'm not able to reproduce the problem. Are you aware of anything special in your configuration? Can you backup your configuration, remove it completelly and try to reproduce the problem using default configuration?

What interface do you use? Also how do you download the file? Keyboard, menu, drag&drop? Do you download the file into path on opposite panel or to different path? If you are using drag&drop where do you drop files? What mode of drag&drop do you use? ... :-)

Re: 3.7.5 beta disconnect problem

martin wrote:

When do you get the error? Immediatelly or after the operation finishes? What is the operation (download, upload, other)?

When I'm downloading. The download finishes successfuly and when the window should be closed it pops up error message instead.

Re: 3.7.5 beta disconnect problem

sax wrote:

Hi, when I check "disconnect when operation finishes" I got error: "Invalid access to memory". I have version 3.7.5 build 294. Just to let you know... :wink:

When do you get the error? Immediatelly or after the operation finishes? What is the operation (download, upload, other)?

3.7.5 beta disconnect problem

Hi, when I check "disconnect when operation finishes" I got error: "Invalid access to memory". I have version 3.7.5 build 294. Just to let you know... :wink: