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soezen wrote:

I also have this problem, but only when I have uploaded a file from that folder.

Can you please describe step by step instructions for reproducing the problem?

I also have this problem, but only when I have uploaded a file from that folder.

Re: Doesn't release lock on folder for other programs to delete, even though no long in that folder

It's about local folder, right?

I cannot reproduce the problem.

If you navigate to some regular folder (not the Eclipse target folder), leave it and then try to remove the folder in Windows Explorer, what happens?

Doesn't release lock on folder for other programs to delete, even though no long in that folder

I use winscp to transfer plugins I build in Eclipse down to our Linux machines. The problem is that once I have navigated to the Eclipse 'target' folder where the compiled plugin jar exists, Eclipse throws an error on the next compilation because WinSCP has some kind of lock on the folder, even if I have navigated out of that folder and clicked 'Refresh' in WinSCP.

Eclipse will throw this at compile time, even though I'm no longer in in that folder in WinSCP. WinSCP seems to retain some kind of lock on the folder when not actually navigating it. Stopping WinSCP will allow the plugin to compile successfully, but I have to keep quitting and restarting WinSCP, which is a royal pain. Is there an option somewhere to control this behaviour of WinSCP?

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) on project PluginTest: Failed to clean project: Failed to delete C:\Users\Bob\workspace\PluginTest\target