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Re: Can connect to Raspberry Pi using its local IP but not my home IP address

Then you better ask on some site oriented to Raspberry Pi. Like

Re: Can connect to Raspberry Pi using its local IP but not my home IP address

martin wrote:

Can you connect with any other SSH or SFTP client?

No, I cannot.

Re: Can connect to Raspberry Pi using its local IP but not my home IP address

Can you connect with any other SSH or SFTP client?

Re: Can connect to Raspberry Pi using its local IP but not my home IP address

martin wrote:

If you select port 80 in WinSCP, it automatically switches to WebDAV protocol.
Make sure you select SFTP protocol afterwards.

Hi I tried this and it said 'server unexpectedly closed network connection'.

Re: Can connect to Raspberry Pi using its local IP but not my home IP address

If you select port 80 in WinSCP, it automatically switches to WebDAV protocol.
Make sure you select SFTP protocol afterwards.

Can connect to Raspberry Pi using its local IP but not my home IP address

I have port forwarded my Raspberry Pi using the start and end ports as 80 (as I am making an apache web server). I can connect using the local IP address of the Raspberry Pi, but when I attempt to connect using my home IP address (from ipchicken) and port 80 - along with the username and password of the Pi, I either get the error '405 Method not allowed' with WebDav or 'Server unexpectedly closed network connection' with SCP. I have SSH enabled on the Pi. I apologize in advance as I am very new to this stuff - I am just experimenting with my Pi.