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Re: Error Message: Host key does not match configured key..

Anonymous wrote:

I am having the same problem. I can connect through WinSCP GUI , and when I copy the session .net code it doesn't work . Anyone please help. I am using the latest version SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_5.13.3

That does not seem like the same problem at all.
Please start a new thread and attach log files both from GUI and .NET code.

Re: Error Message: Host key does not match configured key..

I am having the same problem. I can connect through WinSCP GUI , and when I copy the session .net code it doesn't work . Anyone please help. I am using the latest version SSH-2.0-WinSCP_release_5.13.3

error message -

Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "mediobanca-fs".
Authenticating with public key "imported-openssh-key".

Authentication failed.

Re: Error Message: Host key does not match configured key..

The machine where the script was running previous probably has the hostkey cached in Windows registry. That's not the correct approach to handle host keys. The script should better use -hostkey switch.

Error Message: Host key does not match configured key..

Excuse my lack of knowledge and previous experience, i need help in finding out something.
There is a working WinSCP setup for transferring files from server1 to ServerX through SQLJobs calling WinSCP script. I have a task to replicate the same in a new server2, ( file transer from Server2 to ServerX)

I installed WinSCP in Server2 and coped the script files and made the setup look exactly the same. When i ran a test in Server2, i get the below error message. What i know is that there is something other than the scripts that need to be updated. can you tell me what does this error mesage suggest ?

Executed as user: DOMAIN\cmpsvc. batch on confirm off Searching for host...Connecting to host...Authenticating... Host key does not match configured key "ssh-rsa 2048 38:20:88:88:5d:88:88:4c:88:84:88:94:47:8a:1f:c0"! Host key fingerprint is ssh-rsa 1024 SPxxxxnbslNn2Odxxxxxx3NXNcKxIx/DJzxxxxxFY=. Authentication failed. No session. transfer binary No session. No session. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
