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Topic review


Thommy wrote:

Update: The error does not appear in WinSCP Version 5.7.3 and 5.11.3

In what versions does it appear?

Update: The error does not appear in WinSCP Version 5.7.3 and 5.11.3

Error "Could not parse response status line"


while transfering files via WebDAV protocol through a Proxy-Server, we get the the Error "Could not parse response status line". This error appears every time i want to overwrite a existing file. If i confirm the message the Transfer will be done.

As we want to use the tool for the Funktion "Keep Remote Directory up to Date" this is a major problem.

Selecting the function "Resume on error" doesn't work, as i guess it is a fatal error.

Is there any way to skip the error message or is there any suspection for the reason of this error message?

Best regards,