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Topic review


Your WinSCP screenshot shows server view. Not local view.
Or are you connecting to local server? Then it's matter of the SFTP server configuration. It has nothing to do with WinSCP. Or did you even try navigating to the root / folder?

My drive is map like G an is local. Is not a network drive.

Re: Can't see my D drive an network drive

Where you cannot see it?

Also I'm not sure what you mean by "D drive an network drive". Do you mean "D drive and network drive"? Or do you mean "D drive that happens to be mapped to a network drive"?

Can you see the same drive in Windows Explorer? Post a screenshot of both WinSCP and Windows Explorer.

Can't see my D drive an network drive

When i connect SFTP i can't see my network drive an D:\ drive.

Thanks for your help.