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Topic review


So it's not a WinSCP installation folder? Are you using portable package of WinSCP?
Your obfuscation of screenshot makes it rather difficult for us, to understand what you are doing.

You also did not answer my other question (about running WinSCP from "Run" box).

Are there any one help me? :(

I put putty.exe in same folder with WinSCP

Re: Error on opening Putty

How did you get putty.exe into WinSCP installation folder?

If you use the same path in Windows "Run" box (Win+R), does it start PuTTY?

Error on opening Putty

I have an error on opening Putty
I run Windows 10 x64 version 1803 (OS Build 17134.1)

see Attachment below
System Error.  Code: 1223.

The operation was canceled by the user
