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I'd need a test account to debug this problem. Is it possible?

I would expect it to indicate the home directory of the user, but our provider has not documented it.

Sorry, I've missed your answer. Though it does not explain the double slash.

Any news on this?

This is the full path of the destination file. Because it's a mainframe, it doesn't use the normal path notion //folder/file.ext, but instead just a "target".

Re: Upload to mainframe fails after upgrade from 5.11.3 to 5.13.1 (or 5.12 beta) with Permission denied

What does the //DTS4.UP.G4T15.S60290 mean?

Upload to mainframe fails after upgrade from 5.11.3 to 5.13.1 (or 5.12 beta) with Permission denied

After upgrading from v 5.11.3 to any above version, including 5.13.1, I am unable to upload files to one specific destination. Login goes well, but when performing a put command, I get:

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied

All I know about the destination host is that it's not a regular SFTP server, but a mainframe. The provider claims that WinSCP is a supported client.

I've attached logs from a successful upload using v. 5.11.3 and a failed upload using 5.13.1.

Thanks in advance!