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Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder

Discovery wrote:

Im facing the same problem. My script also seems to start moving file to new destination before its completed at source location. Im using "option batch continue" with parameters -delete -resume and -neweronly.

Im sure WinSCP wait for a file to completly download and after that it start moving file to new destination. Is it like this ? any suggestion to fix this problem.

Your duplicate post:

Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder

WinSCP version is 5.11.
this problem is with few files out of hundreds.
Do I have to increase the -timeout value also.

Thanks and regards.

Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder

hi martin,

Im facing the same problem. My script also seems to start moving file to new destination before its completed at source location. Im using "option batch continue" with parameters -delete -resume and -neweronly.

Im sure WinSCP wait for a file to completly download and after that it start moving file to new destination. Is it like this ? any suggestion to fix this problem.

Thanks and regards.

Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder

Trashcan wrote:

I am using live-synchronisation. Could it be that WINSCP is already transferring the file while the file to be transferred is not yet complete, causing an empty file in the destination folder?

Well, if some files are incomplete (but not empty), it can be the case. But if they are either empty or complete, it doesn't sound likely.

Is it possible with WINSCP to automatically synchronise files between locations at set time intervals?

Please read documentation:

Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder


I am using live-synchronisation. Could it be that WINSCP is already transferring the file while the file to be transferred is not yet complete, causing an empty file in the destination folder?

Is it possible with WINSCP to automatically synchronise files between locations at set time intervals?

Thanks and regards.

Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder


I have the same problem. I am using live-synchronisation and have empty files at the destination folder. Any idea of the cause?


Re: incomplete files when transferred to destination folder

Some servers fail to report an error when destination disk is empty and create an empty file instead. Can this be your case?

incomplete files when transferred to destination folder

I've been using WINscp for years now, always moving large files to our Moodle site. In the last few weeks, when I've transferred folders across they appear in the destination incomplete, some files completely empty