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Re: Issue with PuTTy client within WinSCP

martin wrote:

Please post PuTTY event log (right click PuTTY window title) for both working and non-working session. Also, please post a screenshot of a working session. What version of PuTTY are you using?

Hello, thanks for the reply. I actually figured it out since you said to right click the PuTTy window title. Didn't know you could do that. Turning Local echo to Force On fixed it immediately! Thanks!

Re: Issue with PuTTy client within WinSCP

Please post PuTTY event log (right click PuTTY window title) for both working and non-working session. Also, please post a screenshot of a working session. What version of PuTTY are you using?

This is what I'm stuck at and can't do any further

Issue with PuTTy client within WinSCP

Hello I'm running into a huge issue. After entering in the host name, user and password, I the click on the 'Open session in PuTTy' key. After clicking on this, the terminal opens up and I am completely unable to type or paste anything into it. Yet when I open up PuTTy outside of WinSCP, it works completely fine, but my project needs to be done through WinSCP. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks