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Re: Downloading only new files from a remote dir

Let me know if it helps.

Re: Downloading only new files from a remote dir

This seems as too complex task for the simple scripting functionality of WinSCP.
However, what about:
option batch abort

get *
rm *

This would remove the files, if "get" succeeds, only.
Then you can run another script like:
mv * to_some_back_up_dir/

To backup files that failed to download.
You can do that, if the first script returns error code, only.

Downloading only new files from a remote dir

I need some help writing a script that would download any files from a remote dir and after download, delete them from remote dir. I know how to download and delete a remote file via script. The problem is that I only want to delete those files that have been downloaded successfully. If I was writing a unix shell script I know, I would read the list of files in a given dir, then using a foreach type loop, download each file at a time and then delete it if download was successful. I looked into synchronize command but that's not what I want to do. How can I accomplish this via WinSCP script. I would schedule this script using Windows Scheduler.

Any help. Thanks a lot.