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Topic review


fix it

when you create the FTP account, be sure that you will add /public_html and it will be solved :)

Problem solved

The problem is now solved. HostAider members was helping. Have had wrong user name, it must be the same what is in hosts CPanel. There was name of my site, but it was wrong.

I tested the contact what is opened in WinSPC. I send file "Sitemap.txt" and look with older FTP where its is now located. It is in place: /public_html/user/Sitemap.txt. Looks so that WinSPC open only directory user/......

Tested also contact with home address (not ftp........) what my older FTP is using. Contact OK but situation the same; only <root> and Sitemap:txt and grayed .ftpquota is to bee seen.

Now HostAider forum member says, that there is not support to SSH. I think it is not needed when using FTP not SFTP. Is that rigt?

Here it is: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Yes the question it is very closely HostAider too. Told them I like to use WinSCP to log in HostAider ftp server and use it to transferring files. They do not understand that sending files to HostAider is not the problem because it goes also with my old ftp. Question is how to log in using WinSCP and how to do it so that all files will be visible. Now only text >root<. The logging system there is a little bit complicated.

Sorry my English is not good but I try my best. If it is impossible to find answer so must use my old FTP what makes contact to ftp in question. :(

This is one of the files I am installing: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Neptun wrote:

Seems to be difficult to get answer what I need from host (HostAider) Forum. :? They send me advices to use other FTP programs, but it is not my problem. Someone told me that WinSCP is closest SFTP software etc. what it not true so far I know it. It is also for SFTP.

I'm not sure I understand. I believe your problem has nothing to do with client you use. What did you asked them actually?

Seems to be difficult to get answer what I need from host (HostAider) Forum. :? They send me advices to use other FTP programs, but it is not my problem. Someone told me that WinSCP is closest SFTP software etc. what it not true so far I know it. It is also for SFTP.

OK, I will do it.

Re: Problem logggin right to host FTP

You should seek advice from your hosting provider.

Problem logggin right to host FTP

I have used this FTP program and is excellent. But now have problem with an other host logging in to the right fail where all my files are located. The configuration of this host is complicated: there must be logged in to public_html file, the root directory is insufficient. So I think it must be: /my_sitename/public_html, but it is not. :?

Can someone hep me to find the right file to open!