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Topic review


Re: SFTP over SSH via .NET

OK, so would you show us exact code that was generated to set the SshHostKeyFingerprint? (it's a public key, nothing secret).

Re: SFTP over SSH via .NET

martin wrote:

paradaxon wrote:

WinSCP generates code using SHA-256 string, but .NET code wants it to be MD5 string instead.

Only if you use old version of .NET assembly. Use the latest version.

I do not know about old version. I installed it as NuGet package with latest version 5.13.2 (build version is nowhere to see).

Re: SFTP over SSH via .NET

paradaxon wrote:

WinSCP generates code using SHA-256 string, but .NET code wants it to be MD5 string instead.

Only if you use old version of .NET assembly. Use the latest version.

SFTP over SSH via .NET

Hi there! Got bug in actual version (5.13.2 8455). While using code generated by WinSCP t be used with .NET C# - exception occures: in <SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-ed25519 256..." >. WinSCP generates code using SHA-256 string, but .NET code wants it to be MD5 string instead.
So, if you do have exception, which says that <SshHostKeyFingerprint> does not match regular expression - simply change string with daata from MD5 string or just give up with fingerprint with <SessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey>.