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Re: WinSCP use on

dag wrote:

If it's not merely a coincidence, what can I do about it? What script is involved? How can the script be kept from executing?

Administrators of the server should know :-) If you find it out, let us know.

Re: WinSCP use on

Thanks for the suggestion. I read the documentation, then I sent the following to Nyx's Support and Admin:

I am having trouble logging on to Nyx1 using WinSCP, although I have
no problem logging on to Nyx1 using WS_FTP. I suspect that the
problem is at Nyx.

When I try to log on to Nyx1, WinSCP displays the following error


Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?

Received too large (1131770482 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet
size is 102400 B.

The error is typically caused by message printed from startup script
(like .profile). The message may start with "Curr".


A WinSCP support board reader pointed my way to the following in
WinSCP's documentation.


[Regarding] Received too large (??? B) SFTP packet. Max supported
packet size is 102400 B"

If ??? (from the subject) is very large number then the problem is
typically caused by a message printed from some profile/logon script.
It violates the SFTP protocol.[!!!!!] Some of these scripts are
executed even for non-interactive (no TTY) sessions, so they cannot
print anything (nor ask user to type something).

The number ??? represents the first four bytes read from the server.
In such case it is typicaly the first four characters of the message.
You can usually see the full message if you login to your account
using SSH terminal.

To fix the problem find out what command in what script does print the
message. Once you find it move the command to proper script or remove
it at all. The scripts are usually hidden (their name starts with dot)
and are located in your home directory on the server.

There are other possible sources of the message in addition to the
profile script. Some SSH servers for example prints message in case of
fatal error (for example when they are unable to start SFTP server).
You need to contact your server administrator.


Part of the error message I get when I try to logon to Nyx1 using
WinSCP is:


Received too large (1131770482 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet
size is 102400 B.

The error is typically caused by message printed from startup script
(like .profile). The message may start with "Curr".


I calculated that:

1131770482 (base 10) = 43757272 (hex)

A hex to ASCII table showed that:

43 75 72 72 (hex) yields "C u r r" (ASCII w/o quotes)

Which is what WinSCP said in its error message.

Nyx's telnet(!) log on greeting after Nyx accepts a user's password
includes this line (without quotes):

"Current system time is: Thu Aug 25 11:40:22 MDT 2005"

I suspect that this is a clue to why I can't use WinSCP to log on to
Nyx1? Is there anything that I or Nyx can do to make WinSCP and Nyx1

If it's not merely a coincidence, what can I do about it? What script
is involved? How can the script be kept from executing?

Re: WinSCP use on

Have you read documentation?

WinSCP use on

According to the Nyx homepage, "SSH: Nyx1, Nyx2 and Nyx3 are open for ssh access to validated users."

When I try to use WinSCP to log on to my valid account on Nyx1 I get a welcome screen and Nyx asks for my password. I enter my password and I get this message:
Received too large (1131770482 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet size is 102400 B.

The error is typically caused by message printed from startup script (like .profile). The message may start with "Curr".

I can successfully log on to Nyx1, using the Nyx homepage Java applet, so Nyx1 recognizes me and my password. Interestingly, although I can use WS_FTP to log on to Nyx10, I cannot log on to Nyx1 using WS_FTP. I can use TNS (telnet) to log on to Nyx1.

Has anyone used WinSCP to log on to any Nyx computer? How did you set everything up?