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Re: Remotely delete before upload

Anonymous wrote:


I'm using WinSCP to connect to a CNC machine, via FTP, but I no way to configure the CNC FTP host.

I can put and delete files on the host, but when I use WinSCP to upload and replace an existing file, the host doesn't allow me to replace it, this is, I need to first manually delete the existing file and then upload the new file.

Is there a way to set this behavior in WinSCP? This is, when uploading the file, to first delete the file and only after that upload the new file?

Thanks in advance.

Only way that I've managed to do this is, to first download the remote file and remove it from the remote location, with "Get -delete filename"
I then have a bat file that deletes the downloaded file from the local location to which it was downloaded...
Not as streamlined as it could be if the software was capable...but it works.

Re: Remotely delete before upload

No, WinSCP does not support this.

Remotely delete before upload


I'm using WinSCP to connect to a CNC machine, via FTP, but I no way to configure the CNC FTP host.

I can put and delete files on the host, but when I use WinSCP to upload and replace an existing file, the host doesn't allow me to replace it, this is, I need to first manually delete the existing file and then upload the new file.

Is there a way to set this behavior in WinSCP? This is, when uploading the file, to first delete the file and only after that upload the new file?

Thanks in advance.