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Re: winscp issue

Sorry, it was a wrong question. It's Linux server, so it has SFTP server built in.

But we cannot help you with authenticating to your server. You should know what username and password to use. Unless you can connect with any other SFTP/SSH client, but not with WinSCP.

Can anyone help in this ??

Re: winscp issue

martin wrote:

Can you connect with any other FTP client? Do you even have FTP server running on the VM?

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the reply. No there is no FTP server in the VM, only Linux box is install.


Re: winscp issue

Can you connect with any other FTP client? Do you even have FTP server running on the VM?

winscp issue


I am trying to connect Linux box which is install in VM Virtualbox via winscp, but i am getting below error.

Firewall is disabled.

error :
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Access denied.

Please help.
