Re: Problem with handling of Windows setting re Auto Adjust DST
I have tried to summarize and explain current WinSCP behaviour in documentation. For feedback please follow to this topic.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
I've done some further tests myself and also read some of the WinSCP source code. In particular the routines UnixToDateTime, DateTimeToFileTime and ConvertTimestampToUnix. For example in the UnixToDateTime routine I can see it subtracts Params->CurrentDifference (which may include the DaylightDifference) but then goes on (if ConsiderDST is set) to maybe subtract the DaylightDifference again. I think this is what is causing my problem.
This still apears to be a problem in the latest version of WinSCP.
Is there any further info that I could supply which would be helpful to you?
Sorry, I haven't time to try to investigate the problem before the last release. It's still on the TODO list though.
Some servers (mostly on Windows) adjust file timestamp with start of DST and some not (Unix). The option selects between the two approaches
Have you read the documentation? Does it help?
I am experiencing a similar problem which might have the same root: WinSCP displays remote modification time 1 hour ahead of what ls reports. This is not affected by WinSCP Environment DST setting. My WinXP DST is always on and I live in GMT+5
This still apears to be a problem in the latest version of WinSCP.
Is there any further info that I could supply which would be helpful to you?