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Topic review


jack wrote:

It would be nice to be able to specify user/password when accessing a proxy/firewall.

Hmm. Maybe :-)

Thank you. I was using version 3.7.2, which doesn't seem to include that feature.
Now I upgraded to 3.7.6, but I still get an error message, probably because the proxy server requires authentication.
It would be nice to be able to specify user/password when accessing a proxy/firewall.

Re: proxy setting in 'check for updates'

Please read documentation.

proxy setting in 'check for updates'

when I try to check for updates, I get a 'connection failed' error message, due to the presence of a corporate firewall.
I noticed the proxy property only affects ssh sessions: how can I set a http proxy to access the internet through while checking for updates?
Thank you in advance.