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Re: "error looking up user groups"

haha, thanks : )
somehow I missed that...
total RTFM...

Re: "error looking up user groups"

arosenberg wrote:

I keep getting this error, every time I log in or try to copy a file---but it does log in and copy the file nonetheless. What is it, and how do I fix it?

Please refer to documentation.

Also, the log in and copy processes seem slow (but transfer speeds are normal).

SCP login can be slow. Either use SFTP, or refer to the same documentation page to learn how to disable some startup adaptations that may not be necessary for you.

"error looking up user groups"

I keep getting this error, every time I log in or try to copy a file---but it does log in and copy the file nonetheless. What is it, and how do I fix it?

Also, the log in and copy processes seem slow (but transfer speeds are normal). This may be because of a delay caused by this error, or it may be because I'm used to FTP?

Thank you for your help. I tried searching for an answer, but I found nothing relevant. I apologize if I missed a response to this question.