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Anonymous wrote:

Thanks for implementing the command line fix for the Microsoft store version in 5.13.4.

I have just purchased the MS store version, However the MS store version is still on 5.13.3, when will the MS store version be updated to 5.13.4?

New version is sent to Store always at the same time as it is uploaded to WinSCP site. How long it takes to really become available depends only on internal verification processes of Microsoft. We have no control over that.

martin wrote:

It does not add WinSCP to PATH, as Windows Store applications cannot change an environment. But Windows Store applications have another mechanism similar to PATH. So WinSCP is using it.

Your command would work as if winscp.exe was in the PATH.

Thanks for implementing the command line fix for the Microsoft store version in 5.13.4.

I have just purchased the MS store version, However the MS store version is still on 5.13.3, when will the MS store version be updated to 5.13.4?

It does not add WinSCP to PATH, as Windows Store applications cannot change an environment. But Windows Store applications have another mechanism similar to PATH. So WinSCP is using it.

Your command would work as if winscp.exe was in the PATH.

Awesome thanks for the fast response Martin, I look forward to when 5.13.4 is released.

Regarding the fix in 5.13.4, does this add winscp.exe to PATH as part of the install?

If so would the correct way to call it from the command line be cmd://winscp sftp://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{SERVER} ?

Re: Command Line in Microsoft Store Version

Thanks for your post.

This issue has been added to the tracker:

Though even with the current version, you can still put winscp.exe to PATH.

Command Line in Microsoft Store Version

I would like to purchase the Microsoft store version of WinSCP to support the project and to benefit from the auto updates.

However I use the command line extensively to launch sessions e.g.:
cmd://"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe" sftp://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{SERVER}

Will the command line functionality work with the Microsoft Store version?