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Topic review


He is wanting to automate the process to take documents in the folders from Winscp and place them in a folder that I setup on the server and back to the folder on Janzabar within Winscp.

I can't parse this sentence, it doesn't make sense to me.

But WinSCP has a command line interface, you can easily write a windows batch script that makes WinSCP upload or download some files:

Question for Winscp team


I have more of a general question. I provide managed IT support for a client that uses Winscp to ftp documents to and from a folder on the Janzabar ERP system. He has a folder in Janzabar setup within Winscp and he authenticates through Winscp. He is wanting to automate the process to take documents in the folders from Winscp and place them in a folder that I setup on the server and back to the folder on Janzabar within Winscp. I am creating the code to complete this but I am confused by the concept of authenticating back through Winscp to get access to the Janzabar folder. I am not familiar enough with the application to feel comfortable creating an accurate code for authenticating through the Winscp app and assuring that the files will end up in the Janzabar folder. Do you have any advise as to the best way of completing this?