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Re: Synchronize 'use same options next time' does not include the transfer settings.

martin wrote:

That's by design. That's why "Use same options next time" checkbox is above the "Transfer settings" box.

If you want to change your default transfer settings, go to preferences:

Well thank you very much!

Re: Synchronize 'use same options next time' does not include the transfer settings.

That's by design. That's why "Use same options next time" checkbox is above the "Transfer settings" box.

If you want to change your default transfer settings, go to preferences:

Synchronize 'use same options next time' does not include the transfer settings.

When you select the option to 'use same option next time' in the Synchronize dialog it will not take into consideration the changes you made to the transfer settings. I am trying to sync ASCII files (Windows on one side, Linux on the other) and I have to change the transfer settings every time I sync. I think the transfer settings should also be saved in the options for next time.