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Topic review


sam_a wrote:

Yeh, there's no visible difference.

Maybe some invisible? :-)
Are the sizes of the archived and downloaded files the same?

Yeh, there's no visible difference.

But if I try to view the page after download then upload it gives me an error. If I simply upload a copy already archived on my desktop, the file is fine.

This suggests to me upload is fine, but that download is messing something up.

Sorry I can't be more helpful. But clearly there's a problem with a default setting, or the program itself, with downloading.

Re: Corruption on download

sam_a wrote:

The files appear fine. I can't see any change.

But, there must be difference. Otherwise you would not have the problems.

Re: Corruption on download

The files appear fine. I can't see any change.

But sure enough, the problem is consistent, even after uninstalling and reinstalling the software.

I also tried the same files with several other FTP programs. The problem only exists with WinSCP (my favorite).

I'm wondering if there's some setting I'm missing. But all I could think of was text vs binary download. But that's clearly not making a difference.

Re: Corruption on download

Can you check what had happend to the file during the transfer? I.e. compare the original and the uploaded file.

Corruption on download

Hi - I am switching from FTP Voyager to WinSCP. Great program!

However, my files are getting corrupted on download.

Any php file I download, and then upload, gives me the following error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CLASS in homepage/test.php on line 1

If I upload a version of the same file previously on my computer, all is well. Download seems to be what's messing it up.

Any ideas?


UPDATE: I've tried switching between Text,Binary and Default. No effect. Downloads are still being somehow modified or corrupted.