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With master password, you can save your S3 key to WinSCP site, as it will be encrypted using the master password.

Oh, I see.. but with Amazon S3 even if I set a general master password for WinScp, won't it still ask me for the secret key anytime I want to log in ?

Re: Amazon S3 - add master password + possibility to edit file permissions

oloccina wrote:

Master password that the user can choose to access the S3 accouht (instead than the complex access key)


Possibility to edit files and folders permissions


another nice addons would be multi-part uploading for S3, I have not tested uploading really big files yet, but in the past they used to fail unless using multi-part uploading

WinSCP supported multipart uploads ever since it supports S3. If you have any problems with multipart uploads, please start a new thread and post a log file and some details.

Amazon S3 - add master password + possibility to edit file permissions

I am testing the Amazon S3 feature, and it would be really nice to have these addons

Master password that the user can choose to access the S3 accouht (instead than the complex access key)

Possibility to edit files and folders permissions

Both features are available in "S3 Browser", just in case you want to know how they are done. I would gladly fully switch to WinScp if they where available there too.

Thank you

another nice addons would be multi-part uploading for S3, I have not tested uploading really big files yet, but in the past they used to fail unless using multi-part uploading