Hi, and thanks for the reply ...
Following is a snippet from the activity log ...
<-----Snippet starts here----->
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] username@remote.server.com
transfer binary
username:/Local to Remote
local_filename.zip | 0 kB | 0.0 kB/s | binary | 0%
Host has not answered for 15 seconds.
Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing 'Abort' button will close session.
(A)bort, (R)etry: Abort
Copying files to remote side failed.
Terminated by user.
Session 'username@remote.server.com' closed.
No session.
No session.
1 file(s) copied.
<-----Snippet ends here----->
Now, this script is called by a batch file which checks for returning errorlevel value.
As you can see, the session failed however the "FILES SUCCESSFULLY DOWNLOADED!" prompt still appears indicating a successful transfer.
I also have a second script that is used to download files from the remote but it suffers from similar reliability issues. I want to be able to delete files off the remote after a successful xfer.
Any ideas?
martin wrote:
First, please describe me the scenario where you have the problems.
Prime wrote:
I want to take the script to the next level (delete remote files after successful download) but clearly this is dangerous if the downlaod failed.
Have you tried using "option batch abort"?