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Topic review


Re: Feature request - Select/connect to multiple sites within Login dialog window

Thanks for your suggestions. We'll consider it.

Meanwhile you have two options:
- Create a site folder for your common sets of sites

- Create a workspace for your common sets of sites (has an advantage of allowing one site to be in multiple workspaces)

Feature request - Select/connect to multiple sites within Login dialog window

Since coming to WinSCP from CuteFTP Pro, the one feature that I miss from CuteFTP is the ability to select/highlight multiple sites in my Login dialog window and press Login, which would then open all the connections to the selected sites all at once. This is much better than having open each site one at a time which is the current user experience within WinSCP .

This is especially useful when I have to upload the same files to multiple mirrored servers.

Hope this is a low hanging fruit type of feature request that would add some effective value ;)