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Re: Cannot get real path for '.'

Fix your SFTP server to point a user home directory to a directory that the user can actually access.

Cannot get real path for '.'

The root directory is ...

Using WinSCP Version: 5.7.4
Windows 7 Enterprise
Transfer protocol SFTP
Using GUI(Commander interface) and .NET
.NET error message: ex.Message: Error getting name of current remote directory
- e {WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Error getting name of current remote directory. ---> WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Cannot get real

path for '.'.
The file path does not exist or is invalid.
Error code: 10
Error message from server (en): The file path does not exist or is invalid.
Steps to reproduce problem: GUI(Commander interface):
Open GUI
Click Login
GUI (Commander interface) error message:
Error getting name of current remote directory
Cannot get real path for '.'.
The file path does not exist or is invalid
Error Code: 10
Error message from server(en): The file path does not exist or is invalid.

Steps to reproduce problem:(.NET):
using C# Example code from documentation here( - I copied and pasted this C#.NET code example
When code hits the following line of code, error detailed above gets thrown - session.Open(sessionOptions)(which means the session wont open);

Without knowing to much, my suspicion is that WinSCP is looking at the current directory which is .(dot)
and it is not able to resolve this path. Is there a way in .NET code to configure WinSCP to look at a specific directory and not the .(dot)? I can control it with the Commander interface by going to Advnaced>Environment>Directories>Remote directory: (How do I do the equivalent in .NET code?) Or maybe a way for it to accept .(dot) ? I cant find any code that can be implemented prior to session.Open(sessionOptions) that would allow me to tell the session what directory it should be in.
Thanks in advance. Log file attached