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Re: Can't save file in Sublime

That's the same question as above. If you want our help, then please post your editor settings, as I have asked above.

Here you go! Please help me =D

Re: Can't save file in Sublime

hi wrote:

Whenever I try to save file after edit file from WINSCP, error pops up and says:
Unable to save: C:/user/home/temp/file.php
Error: The System cannot find the path specified.

Why is it trying to save it in the temp directory and not on the server?

That's the same question as above. If you want our help, then please post your editor settings, as I have asked above.

Can't save file in Sublime


Whenever I try to save file after edit file from WINSCP, error pops up and says:
Unable to save: C:/user/home/temp/file.php
Error: The System cannot find the path specified.

Why is it trying to save it in the temp directory and not on the server?

If you right click the file and click Edit from WinSCP it opens in Sublime. But if you try to save it, it gives that error.

Re: Can't Create New File

Sublime has to save the file to a temporary folder, for WinSCP to pick it up from there to upload.

Anyway, if you edit an existing file, can you save it/upload it?

Can't Create New File


Whenever I try to create a new file from FTP, it will open up the external editor (sublime text 3) and then when I try to save it says:

Unable to save: C:/user/home/temp/file.php
Error: The System cannot find the path specified.

Why is it trying to save it in the temp directory and not on the server?