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Re: invalid argument to date encode

I have sent you an email with request for trying a debug version of WinSCP.

Re: invalid argument to date encode

martin wrote:

MikeDawg wrote:

That was definetely the problem.

There is probably one or more files on the CD/DVD with timestamp close to system limit. Can you tell which file(s) it was and tell me the timestamp?

As the preferences are global, and not associated with each individual connection (I did save connection options).

The preferences are not global. However, the preferences left to the default value are not saved.

It was pretty much the entire RedHat EL 4 CD, I was working with at the time, it looks like all the time stamps are the same on the files I was trying to copy. " Wednesday, January 05, 2005, 6:58:51 PM " is the timestamp on most of the files on the DVD.

Thanks for the help!!

Re: invalid argument to date encode

MikeDawg wrote:

That was definetely the problem.

There is probably one or more files on the CD/DVD with timestamp close to system limit. Can you tell which file(s) it was and tell me the timestamp?

As the preferences are global, and not associated with each individual connection (I did save connection options).

The preferences are not global. However, the preferences left to the default value are not saved.

Re: invalid argument to date encode

martin wrote:

Also can you try using the same setting for "Daylight saving time" option for both versions? (the default value has changed between the versions)

That was definetely the problem. As of 3.7.6 you changed the default options. As the preferences are global, and not associated with each individual connection (I did save connection options). So that was the problem with what was causing my error.

Thanks for all the help. . . And please continue on with this great piece of software. . .


Re: invalid argument to date encode

Also can you try using the same setting for "Daylight saving time" option for both versions? (the default value has changed between the versions)

Re: invalid argument to date encode

Can you try 3.7.5 to locate the version that introduced the problem more closely?

Re: invalid argument to date encode

MikeDawg wrote:

martin wrote:

I have tried it and I do not have any problems uploading files from CD/DVD.

Well, I tried a complete uninstall, and reinstall, and it is still happening, I will try and revert back to WinSCP 3.7.5 and see if the errors occur.

Ok, I reverted the WinSCP install on my machine back to WinSCP 3.7.4 . I tried copying a file from my DVD drive to the remote client, and it worked perfectly, no errors. I completely uninstalled WinSCP 3.7.4, and then I installed WinSCP 3.7.6, and I tried copying the exact same file from off of the DVD, and I got the before-mentioned error.

This is a new error I'm getting with 3.7.6 only. If you let me know what further I can do in order to help you troubleshoot this bug, I'm more than willing to help your wonderful project in any way necessary. Let me know what debug measure you'd like me to take in order to debug this.


Re: invalid argument to date encode

martin wrote:

I have tried it and I do not have any problems uploading files from CD/DVD.

Well, I tried a complete uninstall, and reinstall, and it is still happening, I will try and revert back to WinSCP 3.7.5 and see if the errors occur.

Re: invalid argument to date encode

I have tried it and I do not have any problems uploading files from CD/DVD.

Re: invalid argument to date encode

martin wrote:

Do you have the problem when uploading from any DVD/CD or from some particular only?

I have this problem with any/all CDs and DVDs. I have tried about 5 different CDs, and about 5 different DVDs (3 were burnt discs, 2 of them were OEM discs (original, not burnt)). I also tried this with the CD R/W drive on my computer (Drive E) and same error occurs, it seems to be the way WinSCP is handling files on CDs and DVDs. Is anybody else experiencing this with WinSCP?

Re: invalid argument to date encode

Do you have the problem when uploading from any DVD/CD or from some particular only?

One more sidenot

I copied the files to the HD, and was able to successfully transfer them to the linux box. Is there a problem with the way WinSCP reads dates from CD/DVD drives?

invalid argument to date encode

I am running into an error with WinSCP 3.7.6 (been using WinSCP for quite some time now). I'm having an error transfering a file via both sftp and scp from Windows XP SP2 to a Red Hat linux server running OpenSSH 3.9p1. I am trying to copy the files from a DVD (maybe this is cause for the error), I know I was able to do it all the time with WinSCP 3.7.4. When I try and copy a file from the D: drive (DVD Drive on WinXP), I get the error message " Can't get attributes of file D:\[FILENAME] " in the title and " Invalid argument to date encode " in the message box. I have tried turning off the "Preserve Datestamp" option and various other things, but I always get this error. Does anybody have any ideas what could be going on with it?

Please note that I have changed the actual filename to [FILENAME] in the logfiles.

The error message from logging is (actual display window):

(EScpSkipFile) Can't get attributes of file 'D:\[FILENAME]'.
Invalid argument to date encode
Sent 1 bytes
There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer
Sent 1 bytes
There are 0 bytes remaining in the send buffer

The error message from the logfile is:

< 2005-09-09 12:08:35.906 WinSCP: this is begin-of-file
. 2005-09-09 12:08:35.921 Received 1 bytes
. 2005-09-09 12:08:35.953 SCP remote side confirmation (0)
. 2005-09-09 12:08:35.968 File: "D:\[FILENAME]"
* 2005-09-09 12:08:36.000 (EConvertError) Invalid argument to date encode
. 2005-09-09 12:08:36.015 Asking user:
. 2005-09-09 12:08:36.015 Can't get attributes of file 'D:\[FILENAME]'. ("Invalid argument to date encode")

WinSCP Version: 3.7.6 (latest at time of writing)
Transfer Protocol: Both SCP and SFTP
Interface Style: Norton Commander