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Topic review


fentog wrote:

The only problem is that I can't store a "generic" hostname, but I store what I need to remember in the name of the session. Now I need to write the entire hostname, instead of add just one number, but this it's an improvement.

You can also use Note field:

Hi Martin,

Oh my god! Yes, you got it!
Thank you! Not very user-friendly (aka intuitive) but it works.

The only problem is that I can't store a "generic" hostname, but I store what I need to remember in the name of the session. Now I need to write the entire hostname, instead of add just one number, but this it's an improvement.


fentog wrote:

But this is very useless: You need to use "Clone to new site", that's very un-intuitive. Futhermore it's a lot of cliks.

I wrote above that you can "double-click such site".

Hi Martin,

Thank you for the tip!
But this is very useless: You need to use "Clone to new site", that's very un-intuitive. Futhermore it's a lot of cliks.

Why not add a simple checkbox for "ask for hostname" is the site bookmark?
If this value is true, then a simple modal window is be opened when starting the session to request for the hostname. Similar to the password requerest when this value is empty.

Please, consided it!

Re: Optional "Host name" for clusters

It's actually possible.
You can create a stored site without a hostname.
When you double-click such site, it gets loaded into the Login dialog and Host name box gets focus. You can then just enter the hostname and press Login (or Enter).

Optional "Host name" for clusters


For a cluster of machines I have stored a lot of identical bookmarks. All servers are equal, but only changes the address (IP). And inside the connections I have configured a lot of advanced parameters.

So my proposal is to support "empty" or "pattern" addresses. Or most simple, a simple check for "request for the Host name" when opening the connection (the stored value is then shown, but you can change it before stablishing the connection).

With this improvement you can store bookmarks like: "*" and select the target machine when connecting.

You agree?