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Re: "This application could prevent Chrome from working properly." ... WinSCP 5.13.3

@jasonbuechler: Thanks for your report.
I've read about that message now:
Though WinSCP is for sure not "injecting code" to Chrome. So this looks either like a false positive or some kind of virus/malware infection.
I indeed do not have WinSCP listed on that page, even when I'm too using both WinSCP and Chrome.

"This application could prevent Chrome from working properly." ... WinSCP 5.13.3

My Chrome instance crashed and when I reopened Chrome, this was the page that came up

"Learn how to update applications" links to

WinSCP does not interact with Chrome is any way. Sorry, but I do not know how to help you.

If I open Firefox while Chrome is frozen I can browse internet just fine. And as soon as the WinSCP process is killed, Chrome is unfrozen. But what is weird is that on my home computer I have been using WinSCP and Chrome for years without issues but it seems some software on my work computer is causing WinSCP to freeze Chrome. I have multiple VPN software installed on my work computer but it's very hard to troubleshoot which software is causing the issue since I need these software to work and the freezing issue is very rare.

Re: [weird bug] Winscp causes google chrome to freezes randomly

It's not rare that Internet provides freeze internet connection during an upload.
Chrome possibly tries to access Internet at that time.

[weird bug] WinSCP causes Google Chrome to freezes randomly


WinSCP causes Google Chrome to freezes randomly. It seems to be occurring when WinSCP uploads a file. If I manually kill the WinSCP process it unfreezes Google Chrome.

WinSCP version: (But the problem also affected previous versions)
Transfer protocol: SFTP
I'm not using the GUT but the C# library.