So I am trying to upload data using a script that was provided to me, but I can't e-mail them about support for using WinSCP.
Here is part of it, so I run it as a script using /s ?
REM 0) *****Turn ON delayed expansion!********
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM 1) Log date and time.
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4delims=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') do (
set myMonth=%%B
set myDay=%%C
set myYear=%%D
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3delims=:." %%V IN ('echo %time%') do (
set myHour=%%V
set myMinute=%%W
set mySeconds=%%X
set testHour=%myHour:~1,1%
if "!testHour!"=="" set myHour=0!myHour!
REM 2) Set Stamps and Guids.
set myDate=!myMonth!_!myDay!_!myYear!
set myTime=!myHour!_!myMinute!_!mySeconds!_000