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Re: Force IP Address For Passive Mode Connections

Sorry, but this is support forum for WinSCP, not CURL/WGET/FTP/LFTP.

Re: Force IP Address For Passive Mode Connections

martin wrote:

The correct solution is fix your FTP server not to return an invalid passive mode IP address.

Thanks for the reply. This is an external server from where I need to get the file FTPed onto my Unix Box. So Winscp works from Windows but in order to automate, I need to write a Unix script with CURL/WGET/FTP/LFTP. Any of these commands is not working. So I suspect that the option - "force IP address " is the right option but unaware of how to include this flag to these commands

Re: Force IP Address For Passive Mode Connections

The correct solution is fix your FTP server not to return an invalid passive mode IP address.

Force IP Address For Passive Mode Connections

Hello Forum Members,
I am using WINSCP to connect to an FTP site. The site can only be connected in passive mode and by setting "Force IP address for passive mode connections" to ON. Can anyone please advise its equivalent option in Unix terms (for FTP/LFTP/CURL/WGET)