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Re: can't open key file on file share

jdiaz@... wrote:

Was this issue ever resolved? I'm having a similar issue connecting to a SFTP session.

As you can see above, we never got enough information from the original poster. Can you share details about your specific setup?

Re: can't open key file on file share

Was this issue ever resolved? I'm having a similar issue connecting to a SFTP session.

Re: can't open key file on file share

So the process that uses the WinSCP .NET assembly does not have a read access to the share?
csuriano can't open key file on file share

I am trying to use to sftp files to an sftp site. I have a username and password for Amazaon. My private key path is on a file share on my network. I get the following stack trace:

Unable to use key file " \\evtewafsv1\EDI\Keys\SFTP SEND PRIVATE.ppk" (unable to open file)
Using username "AmazonUserName".
Access denied.

Authentication failed.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at WinSCP.SessionLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
at WinSCP.ElementLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
at WinSCP.SessionElementLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
at WinSCP.CustomLogReader.TryWaitForNonEmptyElement(String localName, LogReadFlags flags)
at WinSCP.CustomLogReader.WaitForGroupAndCreateLogReader()
at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)

This makes sense since the Amazon credentials won't work on our network. How do I tell the credentials to access the private key file?