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Topic review


Just tried the "Keep main window open when the last session is closed" option and it doesn't close the window any more.

Thanks for the tip and keep up the good work!

Settings and such. We users like to explore things (offline), and I believe this reason is good enough for "the choice" to exist. :)

But what "all those things"?

It's just that I like being able to access all those things in the app that don't depend on an open session. It's very frustrating to feel obligated to open a session just to do things such as navigate thru the app UI and discover its features.

When the app closes upon my refusal to open a session, it's like WinSCP was saying to me:
"So... you're not here to open a session, huh?! So get out of my UI, you bastard!" ;D

Can you tell us your use case for this function?

I was about to open a topic for this same issue. I thought this WinSCP behavior was a bug, not a feature.
Glad that @martin has pointed out the solution – that window preference will do it. :)

You actually cannot configure a session color without a session.

Anyway, if you like, you can turn on "Keep main window open when the last session is closed" in preferences:

For example, to access the documentation from the Help menu, or to configure the toolbars or colors from the Options menu.

Some options, such as the "About" page are accessible from the Tools dropdown on the Login screen.

Re: WinSCP closes if the user clicks on the X or Close button from the Login window

joelr wrote:

In this case, I think that the user should be brought back to the main window, where other options are available.

What "other options" would you use in the main windows without without any opened session?

WinSCP closes if the user clicks on the X or Close button from the Login window

Thanks for the great program!

When WinSCP launches, it automatically brings up the Login window.

If you close the window by clicking on the X or clicking the Close button, the program exits and returns you back to Windows.

In this case, I think that the user should be brought back to the main window, where other options are available.

If users are used to the existing behaviour, this could be controlled via a preference.

This is occurring with the latest version of WinSCP, version 5.13.4.

Let me know what you think.