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Topic review


Did you remember to sync up the passwords between Windows and your SSH server? This happened to me; after creating a new user, you must log in to Cygwin and issue the command

mkpasswd -l -u your_username >>/etc/passwd

Re: ...

This FAQ may help you.

Re: ...

Rocknolds wrote:

I have the same problem :_ please help

This should work. Be sure that the logging user account must be a member of root or administrators group.


I have the same problem :_ please help

flls05 wrote:

I have tried that. Is there a setting that I may have inadvertently changed that would cause this?

Cause what?

I have tried that. Is there a setting that I may have inadvertently changed that would cause this?

Re: New user question about session password

That's the same one.

New user question about session password

I am new to WINSCP and when trying to logon am asked for a session password. The only password I have is for the user - where does the session password come from?