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Re: All sites have disappeared

Do you have WinSCP installed? If you use the standard installer, then it should use registry by default.

Re: All sites have disappeared

martin wrote:

Did you use registry or INI file to store WinSCP settings?

I didn't even know there was an option. I'm assuming that as I add sites in WinSCP, they get stored in an INI file somewhere by default, and that now it's either not loading or it's missing.

Re: All sites have disappeared

Did you use registry or INI file to store WinSCP settings?

All sites have disappeared

Yesterday, for whatever reason, my Windows 10 PC crashed and I was forced to reboot. Now when I open WinSCP all my sites have disappeared. Is there a way I can get them back? This is quite an annoyance, given I had close to 60 sites.