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Topic review


Re: Recently Sites List

Can you document that using step by step instructions and maybe few screenshots?

Ntb, WinSCP jumplist is stored in JumpList value of HKCU\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration registry key.

Re: Recently Sites List

martin wrote:

When you right-click the entry, there's "Remove from this list" command - It's a Windows feature, working for any application. It has nothing to do with WinSCP itself.

I've done this but the next time I turn on my PC, the entries are all back. I've been through the WinSCP section of the Windows Registry and there seems to be nothing obvious that allows control of this.

Re: Recently Sites List

When you right-click the entry, there's "Remove from this list" command - It's a Windows feature, working for any application. It has nothing to do with WinSCP itself.

Recently Sites List

Is it possible to reset the list that appears on the Win 8.1 Start Menu (or delete old and unwanted entries from the list)?