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Topic review


Re: Delete recent uploaded files

OK, I see. There's no function for that.

Re: Delete recent uploaded files

Hey Martin, thanks for the info but i think you did not understood my problem. I do not want my local files to be deleted I want the files that have been uploaded to be deleted from server.
I uploaded by mistake around 300 files in different folders and subfolders to a server , the folders are common with other files that I want to keep so I cannot delete the folder entirely. Now I have to go to each folder and manually select the files I uploaded and want to delete from the files that where already there and I want to keep.

Re: Delete recent uploaded files

Why don't you use "Upload and Delete" command straight away?

Anyway, you may find "Mark > Restore Selection" command useful.

Delete recent uploaded files

Hey there. Is there an option to delete recent uploaded files? For example, I upload a folder containing several files and subfolders. After upload , is there a history button to delete those recent uploaded files ?

Thank you