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Re: Experiencing same "hanging" when WinSCP first starts

trek2120a wrote:

The left-side "local files" box hangs as it displays the files. When I click in the vertical scroll bar, it begins to display the next group of files, then it hangs. Once the scroll bar reaches the bottom, I can scroll up and down smoothly without it hanging. I also noticed that the CPU utilization jumps up quite a bit during the "hangs".

That's probably a different problem. What version of WinSCP are you using?

Experiencing same "hanging" when WinSCP first starts

The left-side "local files" box hangs as it displays the files. When I click in the vertical scroll bar, it begins to display the next group of files, then it hangs. Once the scroll bar reaches the bottom, I can scroll up and down smoothly without it hanging. I also noticed that the CPU utilization jumps up quite a bit during the "hangs".

I'm willing to run the "debug" version to help sort this out.


Re: WinSCP hangs at the beginning (reproducible) when I click too fast

Thanks for your report.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

WinSCP hangs at the beginning (reproducible) when I click too fast

When I start WInSCP in a commander-like configuration - especially at home-office with higher network latency - it lasts some moments until all file lists (in the left and in the right pane) are loaded and can bee viewed.

When I click too early during that phase, where the file lists are collected, the WinSCP hangs. I have to kill it via Task Manager.
As if these parallel processes (threads) in the Background were not prepared to cope with mouse click events during that phase.



P.S.: System: Win 10 64 Bit - 16 GB RAM - 1,5 TB disks